International Calling Cards from Japan to Overseas

flagHow to choose international calls from home in Japan

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1, NTT subscribed telephone

PL@TINUM LINE by NTT Communications (flat rate 24 hours a day)
China 29.0 yen/min, Thailand 45.0 yen/min, Australia Mobile 50.0 yen/min
This rate is talking 3 hours.
China 5,220 yen / Thailand 8,100 yen / Australia Mobile 9,000 yen
Aicom50 Calling Card (flat rate 24 hours a day)
China 4.5 yen/min, Thailand 6.6 yen/min, Australia Mobile 18.8 yen/min
This rate is talking 3 hours.
China 810 yen / Thailand 1,188 yen / Australia Mobile 3,384 yen
If you make an international call within less than 3 hours a month,
you are better choice for PL@TINUM LINE.
If you make an international call within longer than 3 hours a month,
After you pay first 5,000 yen, you are better choice for Calling Card.

Hikari Denwa by NTT EAST or NTT WEST

Hikari Denwa (flat rate 24 hours a day)
China 30.0 yen/min, Thailand 45.0 yen/min, Australia Mobile 20.0 yen/min
This rate is talking 3 hours.
China 5,400 yen / Thailand 8,100 yen / Australia Mobile 3,600 yen
SkyWorld Calling Card (flat rate 24 hours a day)
China 5.6 yen/min, Thailand 8.3 yen/min, Australia Mobile 24.1 yen/min
This rate is talking 3 hours.
China 1,008 yen / Thailand 1,494 yen / Australia Mobile 4,338 yen
CosmoGold Calling Card (flat rate 24 hours a day)
China 5.5 yen/min, Thailand 6.0 yen/min, Australia Mobile 19.0 yen/min
This rate is talking 3 hours.
China 990 yen / Thailand 1,080 yen / Australia Mobile 3,420 yen
If you make an international call within less than 3 hours a month,
you are better choice for Hikari Denwa.
If you make an international call within longer than 3 hours a month,
After you pay first 5,000 yen, you are better choice for Calling Card.

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